
Workplace Human Rights

Protecting your workplace rights

Discrimination defines almost all employment relationships.  Every time someone is promoted, other employees are passed over.  Human rights come into play when the discrimination results from prohibited grounds.  Those grounds are enumerated by international treaty and are adopted into British Columbia’s Human Rights Code and the Canadian Human Rights Act.  Discrimination on the following grounds constitutes a human rights abuse:

  • age
  • race
  • gender
  • religion
  • family status
  • disability

If you have suffered such discrimination, you likely have a human rights complaint.  This is true not only for active employment, but also for the hiring process.  For example, if you are passed over for a job due to being visibly pregnant, that would be actionable.

Feel free to call us to learn more.

Martin Sheard provided me with professional, timely, and in-depth counsel regarding contract review. He responded quickly to my request, went above and beyond what I asked of him, and was a pleasure to deal with.
— Aviva Finkelstein / Satisfied former client

Call us with any human rights concerns

Highly experienced. Here to help.